What a privilege to see the lady of the classics, Olympia Dukakis, not just still getting interesting roles to play at her age (80 years by the time this film got released) but in such great form and with such an open minded point of view.
I pray to get to see the day when no one cares about the sexual preference of people anymore. This is a fabulous comedy that makes you conclude that, when there is a lie there will be trouble. Coming out of closets, regardless of what your hidden secret might be, is not an easy task. But I ask, haven’t we all feared a truth be known by others? Haven’t we all hid a dirty little secret in a closet? How we dare to criticize others when our own demons perhaps might even be more questionable? It is so easy to formulate opinions, to discriminate and to reject, that I fantasize about a day in which we all simultaneously wake up to find our garbage exposed. Would we finally appreciate tolerance and acceptance or would we run to compare our trash in a vain attempt to still feel above others? Hummm, I sadly tend to lean towards the latter.