This Argentinian production really surprised me with the handling given to a yet not so well explored topic: each member of a couple has a friend who is actually part of the formula of their relationship. Seldom the opposite partner takes its time to get to know, embrace such friend and make it its own. It is just easier to grant space, get jealous of such level of intimacy, criticize and feel resentment while, at the same time, to expect that your own best friend is not challenged by your significant other. Weird, uh?
Perhaps if we devoted time and effort to truly discover such person in deep we would understand not just why is so appreciated by our own partner but what that person brings to the formula that one could benefit from in order to help our relationship stay healthy when, as it always happen, the original terms begin to evolve.
This movie proves that we all must stay current and nurture our relations so they endure the trials of time. Recommended!