Yesterday, a friend of mine, as part of an ongoing chat, wrote to me that people are strange. Indeed we are all strange. We do have weird stuff as part of our routines, preferences, behaviors, personalities and ways of expression.

However, we all do too have things in common that make us relate one to the other. The pursuit of happiness is one of them. In my opinion, happiness is a state of mind. One that includes vulnerability and gratefulness. As much as things make me misty and blueish (I hope you have noticed this already by simply reading this blog), if anyone asks me if I consider myself a happy person, I will immediately smile and broadly reply with a resounding yes!

That is so because, although we humans have the tendency to suffer for what we miss or lack in our lives, I can not be blind to the myriad of blessings manifesting in mine every single day. It would be ungrateful on my part if I took for granted such privileges, while others around the globe are deprived from their most basic rights.

I am surprised this movie didn’t get a nomination for the Oscar. So good it was! It had a bit of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and a bit of Eat Pray Love but, at the same time, it was different, fresher, funnier, and it also had this rare capacity to connect with people of all ages. Hector is absolutely heart-warming, compelling, and real.

I rescue from the movie this quote: “We should concern ourselves, not so much with the pursuit of happiness, but with the happiness of the pursuit.”

Absolutely recommended!