Different, witty, and absolutely funny in spite of the horrific situation these six criminals have at hand. I think that what I loved most about it was the psychological study on what tickles each one of them, what do they fear, what boundary, if exists, would make them decide to turn around.
Two other aspects I felt fond with were the music selection Tarantino always chooses to compliment his stories and the use of pop culture to frame and round up the context in such a way that the viewers get to feel immersed in the plot right from the start. In this case, the scene at a local diner where these six thugs were discussing the implicit meaning in the song “Like a Virgin” by Madonna, was not only hilarious but on the dot!
After a couple of movies from Tarantino, I find absolutely seductive his fixation with the equivalent of The Joker, in Batman. This character derives his pleasure from plainly and openly being mean-spirited just for kicks! Because he can! Because he is wickedly irreverent! Saucy! Sassy! Flamboyant! Amusing! Frankly nuts! And he not only knows it but it happens to be his favorite personal trait!
The irredeemable cruelty that unashamedly exists in some human beings!
Of course, it wouldn’t be Quentin “Gory” Tarantino if near the end, there were not more bullets, shots and blood, than what was absolutely necessary. The overemphasis of what is already exaggerated is part of his signature style. An attribute I don’t mind at all!