This movie explores the concept of being “in between” and unable to resolve your voids. That moment when nothing is wrong but you don’t quite feel it’s alright either. Your only certainty resides in the fact you know something is actually missing, otherwise, you wouldn’t feel this emptiness floating in the air.

And you become anxious, tempted and experimental. You begin noticing the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. You begin questioning your status quo, your routines, and your capacity to survive a future filled with this same.

Discomfort keeps growing in spite of all your efforts to glue yourself to what is familiar and safe while you make yourself vulnerable, hide your head on the ground like an ostrich, play silly childish games to spoil your known source of past content in an attempt to get your so much needed attention. Desperate, you keep extending your hand to reach and reconnect with all that used to give you happiness and solace hoping to be embraced and feel protected while this turmoil goes away.

No one notices it. You know you are being drawn like a moth to the light. You know there will be consequences and loss and still you are not able to stop it. You have been summoned and when you finally succumb, the new will soon be old, the adventure will turn into routine again, the discovery soon a habit. You will look back wanting to return, just to notice no one has actually been missing you!