What a waste of an excellent cast! I wonder if Hollywood knows that actors are not the only ones who age and whose professions begin to fade not because their capacities diminish but because there will always be a new kid in town to replace them.

Or is it that all actors end up confusing themselves with the roles they have interpreted? Go bonkers, to behave eccentrically or waste themselves to the point of rehab… are these requirements of the job? Is this why it pays so well becoming an actor?

I ask because in less than six months, this movie and the coming soon Oscar nominated Birdman explore the same subject with almost an identical approach.

Al Pacino has some funny moments and remains quite a good actor but not even him could make me feel any sympathy for the idea presented in this movie when compared with the real drama, lived by real people, in the real world.

On a side note, there must be better ways to portray hallucinations on a movie.